read dbms_output in jdbc
try (Connection c = DriverManager.getConnection(url, properties); Statement s = c.createStatement()) { try { // First, we have to enable the DBMS_OUTPUT. Otherwise, // all calls to DBMS_OUTPUT made on our connection won't // have any effect. s.executeUpdate("begin dbms_output.enable(); end;"); // Now, this is the actually interesting procedure call s.executeUpdate("begin my_procedure(1, 2); end;"); // After we're done with our call(s), we can proceed to // fetch the SERVEROUTPUT explicitly, using // DBMS_OUTPUT.GET_LINES try (CallableStatement call = c.prepareCall( "declare " + " num integer := 1000;" + "begin " + " dbms_output.get_lines(?, num);" + "end;" )) { call.registerOutParameter(1, Types.ARRAY, "DBMSOUTPUT_LINESARRAY"); call.execute(); Array array = null; try { array = call.getArray(1); Stream.of((Object[]) array.getArray()) .forEach(System.out::println); } finally { if (array != null); } } } // Don't forget to disable DBMS_OUTPUT for the remaining use // of the connection. finally { s.executeUpdate("begin dbms_output.disable(); end;"); } }
wiki/tech/java-hints/java-and-oracle.txt · Last modified: 2019/04/09 19:34 by kpc